9 Aug, Rotstockhutte to Gimmelwald

This morning I awoke to the sound of the cows being taken back to the barn for milking around 6am.  After a typical Swiss breakfast I headed back down the mountain. 

 The trail was less steep here and there was lots of greenery and vegetation around, which transitioned to evergreen trees once I hit the tree line.  Once I got near the bottom of the valley, the trail followed a roaring mountain stream, flowing with snowmelt and glacier runoff.  I stopped and jumped in for a bit, and it was just as cold as it looked. 

 Further down I met an 18yo named victor from Montreal who was visiting Europe for the first time, and had just been in Sweden visiting some family he has never met before.  He went all the way up to Oberhornsee, and back down to Stechelberg, and then took the cable car back up to Gimmelwald.  Quite the long day.

I got back to Gimmelwald and then went to the pool in Mürren for the rest of the day.  Made a Pizza for dinner at the hostel and tried to catch up on my blog/ photos.



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