The past 2 days

Over the past 2 days we walked through rolling hills and farmland, surrounded by vinyards and wheat fields.  Some of the scenery reminded me of the American west.  The place we stayed last night was very nice, it even had a pool.  The meal was teriffic.  Today we came across a local blacksmith who made all kinds of metal art.  Then we stopped at the public wine fountain at a local winery along the way. Free wine pours out of the wall.  The guy in front of me filled a whole bottle.  We also ran into an almond farmer who was harvesting his almonds by beating the trees with a large stick.  Staying at an alburgue ran by an Austrian couple in Los Arcos tonight.

The blacksmith

wine fountain

almond farmer

roadside musicians

Rolling fields surrounded by mountains engulfed in clouds


  1. Thanks Michael, for taking the time to do the posts. I look forward to seeing them each day. Beautiful scenery. So glad you have this opportunity!

  2. These posts are the highlights of my day! And you are quite the photographer and blogger!
    Thank you!


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